Certificate III in Well Servicing Operations
Career Opportunities
The Certificate III in Well Servicing Operations (RII32220) is aimed at those persons wishing to gain employment or up skill within the Australian Oil and Gas Industry. Mobile Well Servicing Rigs within Australia offer the successful candidates excellent remuneration packages and time freedom typically working even time 2×2 rosters. Whether you’re looking to enter the industry, change an occupation or looking to formalise your work experience with a qualification for promotion the team at AWCC can help you.
Enrol in your Certificate III in Well Servicing Operations (RII32220) today and register your place with the Australian Well Control Centres Talent Community for up to date industry information and ongoing job opportunities.
Enquire or Enroll Now
The AWCC Turbo programs are a new and exciting way to complete a Certificate and be ready to enter the oil and gas industry. The AWCC Turbo program has been designed as an accelerated course that prepares students for roles in the Oil & Gas industry with the required Qualifications.
Suitable Rig Positions that Require this Qualification (RII32220)
- Rig Floorman
- Lead Floorman/Motorman
- Derrickmen
Time Frame and Packaging Rules
Participants not enrolling in Recognition of Prior Learning have 12-18 months to complete the Certificate III in Well Servicing Operations (RII32220) qualification. Typically, candidates finish this qualification well ahead of time due to AWCC’s industry produced and validated resource material and industry professionals who are available for your mentorship every step of the way. This is the AWCC difference!
The information below briefly outlines the packaging rules for this qualification. Successful completion of Fourteen (14) units of competency are made up of:
- Eight (8) core units, and
- Six (6) elective units of which,
AWCC have packaged the Qualification in accordance with the packaging rules making the candidates transition into learning as seamless as possible. All electives units have been selected to reflect current occupational and learning outcomes in accordance with the Australian Qualifications Framework for this level of Certificate.
Learning Pathways & Opportunities
The Certificate III in Well Servicing Operations (RII32220) is a pre-requisite for the Certificate IV in Well Servicing Operations. AWCC with our highly experience team have designed the Certificate III in Well Servicing Operations (RII32220) with this in mind. Our fully validated resources have been written by senior industry professionals currently working within industry. This AWCC difference ensures that you are receiving the information you need to progress to the next level with quality information as soon as possible along with the support you need to succeed.
What does the validation of resources mean?
In 2020 ASQA directed RTO’s to make changes in the Drilling Operations, Drilling Oil and Gas and Well Servicing qualification training packages. These changes are typically recommendations from industry requiring new learning materials to be produced to keep up with new technologies, safety initiatives along with any new and relevant policies and procedures. When this happens Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) need to invest capital and time to create materials that satisfy the new and improved Performance Criteria guidelines set out by Training.Gov. During the period 2020-21 the AWCC RTO has rewritten and validated over 100 units of competency across 11 qualifications earmarked for updating and/or rewriting in the Drilling and Well Servicing training packages.
In general, most RTO’s engage persons trained to be resources writers or persons who are not from the Drilling industry to write resources for the Drilling and Well Servicing type courses. Hence the need for “industry engagement to validate the quality” of the product. Validation is an important process that needs to take place to make sure the course materials presented to students are relevant and meet the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) for learning pathways.
Validation is a process that RTO’s undertake with industry leaders to ensure the learning materials produced are industry relevant and correct and fit for student use. AWCC’s theory materials have been written by our network of full time IWCF Well Control Instructors and currently employed Operations Managers and OCR’s allowing our company to incorporate an ongoing validation process. This means that the AWCC suite of qualifications have been fully validated in record time. The Australian Well Control Centres Drilling and Well Servicing knowledge and industry engagement is second to none.
What does this mean for “you” the student participant?
Any participant enrolling in AWCC qualification program, including the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process are receiving the most “Authentic – Valid – Reliable – Current – Sufficient” theory materials and practical assessments activities on the market today. AWCC recognise the personal commitment that our students make when undertaking adult learning to better themselves or have their work experience formalised by a qualification.
This is why our company have created a unique landscape for learning that is streamlined and created by a team of highly experienced industry professionals that know exactly what you need to succeed and take the next step in your career.
You can view our Student Handbook here before making a decision to train with us.